Monday, November 26, 2007

Foodies Update

My cat, Nibbler, in the Christmas tree.

Dessert display at Taste of Atlanta

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to explain my temporary absence. I have two more weeks in this semester at USF Online (three huge projects left), and then I will finish my Taste of Atlanta post and add more Foodies Reviews. I hate neglecting this blog, but my GPA is my priority. The good news is that I will graduate with my MLS in May! Hooray!

Meanwhile, my chef husband is cooking almost every day at the country club where he is employed, and he still loves it. He tells me that cooking is a profession you really have to love since it's so labor-intensive. Luckily, my dad made a southern-style Thanksgiving feast for our family, complete with yams and cornbread. Hope you had a fantastic Atlanta Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Taste of Atlanta - 2007

I attended Taste of Atlanta on October 14, 2007 with my mom. Here are some photos from our culinary adventure. We had a wonderful time - an amazing food festival!