Monday, January 19, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookietini

Hi Guys,

Well, I got caught up in the Ultimate Recipe Showdown fun at Food Network. I just loved it that the nice older doctor, Harold Cohen, won the burger challenge. I looked at the site to see if there was a way to get on the show, and there is, but something else caught my eye. It was at this site -

No, they are not paying me. I just thought it was neat. It was a drink recipe contest and I believe the top three will be posted for us to vote on some time around January 27th. I love contests like this - I won a trip to Boca Raton a few years back by writing a short essay on the virtues of Old Bay Seasoning.

So anyway, for this particular drink challenge, you had to send in a video of yourself making a drink in 30 seconds. After some brainstorming and research, I came up with a yummy drink I call a "Cookietini." I've posted the recipe below in case you're interested. I think I probably won't win anyway because my video was too long, and I had to split it into two parts to get it in. That's what I get for procrastinating. Oh well, it was lots of fun regardless. My parents helped me, and they were so sweet! Thanks, Mom and Dad!

Chocolate Chip Cookietini

1. Prepare martini glasses by crushing chocolate chip cookies, wetting rim, and rolling rim in cookie crumbs. Then drizzle chocolate syrup inside.

2. Mix 2 parts Godiva Liqueur, 2 parts Absolut Vanilia, and 1 part milk or cream over ice in martini shaker. Sing charming song while shaking.

3. Pour into glass, remembering to hold top on.

4. Drink and don't give any to your friends.

1 comment:

  1. wow this sounds brilliant and is definitely going in my recipe book.
    That is really great that you won the essay contest and a trip to Boca Raton-- its beautiful over there!

    I won an essay contest two years ago but i won a shopping spree which for me was great. I took my mother and we 'shopped till we dropped'. It doesn't beat Boca Raton though.

    The drink contest sounds great though.. and i don't think it matters if your video is too long as long as you made the drink in 3o seconds!

    Good luck!
